
The name’s Josh Campbell.

So, why am I on here, you ask?  Well, I’ve got a bad habit of not finishing things.  I’ve got half made blogs all over the web (don’t go look for them, please!), ideas scattered through out my notebooks and my brain, and I’ve finally decided it’s enough!  I’m using this as my way to keep accountable for my resolutions this year, and to make me a better writer in general.

What can you expect to see?
Well, I don’t know at this point, honestly.  I’ve got a few ideas.  like I said, this is going to be where I’m keeping up on my resolutions for this year (at least those I make public), so at least once a week, there’ll be a post with an update at the end with how I’m doing.  The rest will be completely up to whatever’s going on at the time.  It may not make every post gold, but there will be something there.  Maybe sometimes an audio thingy, maybe a video clip, maybe a story, maybe just a thing about how the day sucked.  I won’t know till I get it going!

What do you have to do with this?
Well, that’s completely up to you.  You can read it and journey through 2011 along with me, or just decide once is enough and not come back again.  But one thing I suggest is setting up a blog (doesn’t have to be WordPress, it could be Blogger or TypePad, or any of the others out there), and do this along with me.  Just a group of us going through 2011, trying to keep those resolutions and maybe even enjoying each other’s digital company along the way.

So WELCOME!  This is me, and my world for 2011.  There’s a lot coming, and a lot of big events for me, so no matter what you’ll at least get to hear a few good stories, and be able to follow the drama on if I can keep up with my New Year’s Resolutions for this year!

VIVA LA 2011!!!

Josh Campbell